Central Mesa Reuse Pipeline Alignment

Providing a water supply for current and future growth.

The City of Mesa (City) desired to use reclaimed water to send to the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) in exchange for Colorado River water to increase resilience of the water supply for current and future growth. Dibble developed three scenarios as potential alignment locations: Mesa right-of-way, Roosevelt Water Conservation District (RWCD) right-of-way, and East Maricopa Floodway (EMF) right-of-way.

Exhibit of the top five scoring routes

Dibble is providing professional services through an on-call contract for the Central Mesa Reuse Pipeline alignment. The team performed a study that evaluated and analyzed potential alignment scenarios considering multiple factors, including utility research, geotechnical impacts, right-of-way/easement and regulatory permit screening, stakeholder outreach, and estimated cost. Findings and conclusions have been documented into a Summary Report for the City.

Dibble is currently performing program management for the design and construction of the phased alignment replacement.

Northwest Water Reclamation Plant
Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant
Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant


City of Mesa

Mesa, AZ

Total Cost

Project Lifecycle
