Zone 3D/4A 42-inch Water Transmission Main
Improving reliable water delivery for Phoenix.
The City of Phoenix implemented a series of major infrastructure improvements located in Pressure Zones 3D and 4A to move water from the Salt River Project (SRP) system northward to the Central Arizona Project (CAP) service area. These improvements help ensure reliable delivery of water to the northern parts of Phoenix during periods of drought and possible reduced availability of CAP water supplies. The improvements covered by this project involved replacing approximately 2.5 miles of an existing 36-inch water transmission main (WTM) with a new 42-inch WTM along 35th Avenue from Thunderbird Road to Grovers Avenue. The new WTM provides increased capacity and eliminates the flow restrictions caused by the existing 36-inch WTM.

Dibble designed a new 42-inch-diameter WTM segment to increase the overall capacity of the WTM. Dibble also performed a corridor study to investigate and analyze potential corridors for the replacement segment, which resulted in identifying the most advantageous route in conjunction with the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR).

City of Phoenix
Phoenix, AZ
Total Cost
Project Lifecycle