Emily Grubb
Senior Administrative Assistant and Professional Crocheter!
Do you have a hobby? Tell us about it.
Yes! I have been a closeted crocheter since college. I started out making way too many hats; everyone I knew got one as a birthday/holiday gift for years. I then moved on to dog sweaters and toys. Most recently, I’ve been working on creating my “critter creatures” – semi-realistic (but mostly just odd) looking stuffed animals.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean between Australia and Indonesia. Specifically, witness the red crab migration at the start of the wet season. Crabs have always been my favorite animals, and it would be an incredible experience to see tens of millions of them marching from the forest to the ocean!
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?
I would love to know all there is to know about Historical Geology immediately. Rocks and fossils are fascinating to me, and I make a point every summer to take a day out of our family vacation to hunt for (and sometimes even find) shark teeth. Instantly having the ability to understand our planet’s physical evolution would be neat fully.