Thibault Sirigu
Airport Development – Aviation Planner, Lego Enthusiast, and World traveler
Do you have a hobby? Tell us about it.
I do! It’s a niche one: I love designing new Lego sets. As in, actually create the models from a blank computer screen. It’s the perfect engineer’s sandbox. I try to be realistic with those models and create something that is close to the real thing, structurally sound, and nice to look at. A few of my favorite creations are the Douglas SBD Dauntless, the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge in Charleston SC, and SpaceX’s Integrated Starship Launch System.
What is your chosen discipline (engineering, planning, surveying, etc)? Why do you love it?
I am an Aviation Planner by trade. I am a very detail-oriented person (a blessing and a curse, if you ask me) and I need to think about and consider every single aspect and angle of a system to – first – understand it and – second – ensure every moving piece is fully integrated with the rest. So Comprehensive Master Planning makes sense for me. So do Legos I suppose.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I am from over yonder across the Pond so I suppose I did! But there’s so much to see and so little time these days. I’d love to visit Japan, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, and China. There’s some breathtaking scenery in the Andes that’s I’d love to see. I would love to live in Alaska or Western Canada for a few years too. Retirement plan is Bora Bora (French Polynesia) but promise you won’t let the secret out.
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?
Woodturning. It’s incredible what these people make.