Tristan Stevens

Tristan Stevens

Project Engineer and Outdoorsman

Tell us about your hobby.
My hobby is anything outdoors. Whether it is helping at local gardens and greenhouses tending to plants to trekking through the great outdoors with my father looking for our next trophy buck, I love being outdoors. The smell of fresh air, the sounds of life thriving, being away from civilization to collect my thoughts, the outdoors is my recharge button.

What is your chosen discipline? Why do you love it?
My chosen discipline through college was Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering with a focus on the environment for greenhouse production and irrigation of large-scale farming that leads me into my industry career, Water and Wastewater here at Dibble. I love my career because I know what I do provides life. We all know the saying “where there is water, there is life.” I enjoy knowing that what I provide to society encourages growth.

What’s your superpower?
My superpower is Super Learning. I can learn anything at the super speeds. Need a helicopter pilot, hand me the manual and you’ll have one in a second. Who knows, maybe I can be the next person to create the next Matrix after I learn all computer codes and languages. My limits are nonexistent.

What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?
Currently, I am learning ArcGIS and ArcMap. Using these programs and anything associated with them will allow my practice to have a close contact that knows how to create, manage, share, and analyze spatial data. It is important to have someone like myself, someone new to the practice to learn as much as possible to help the team develop deliverables for clients that will exceed their expectations.

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BS, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
University of Arizona

Registrations / Affiliations
Arizona, Engineer-In-Training

Industry Experience
4 Year

Dibble Employee Since


602-957-1155 Tristan Stevens LinkedIn Page