Minnequa Lake Connector Trail
The City of Pueblo selected Dibble to design a concrete path, beginning at Pueblo Boulevard Avenue and extending north, then east to the Minnequa Lake Trail. The trail is part of a large connected network of trails throughout the City and will continue to improve walkability. The concrete path will be 10 feet in width with connections to existing sidewalks and newly designed trailheads. Dibble has progressed the design through 90 percent and has completed a geotechnical analysis, environmental documentation, and a public meeting. This project is funded through a CDOT grant for $1.4M for design phases 1 and 2 and the construction of phase 1.
Dibble has worked with the City to modify the original concept design that conflicted with multiple properties. The trailhead at Tucci lane was configured to avoid a local property that extended along Tucci Lane. There were also property concerns on the east end of the project near Minnequa Lake Trail. Dibble presented options to avoid an HOA parcel which included obtaining an easement or relocating a pipe outlet. Ultimately, it was determined that the HOA parcel was dedicated for public parks and trails.
Dibble also provided an analysis to relocate a portion of the trail to the opposite side of the drainage ditch. The public expressed concerns about the trail’s location relative to backyard fences and requested that the course be relocated. Dibble reviewed the alternate site and determined that, while feasible, costs would be higher, and the constructability would be more difficult. It was decided that the trail would remain in the proposed location.

City of Pueblo
Pueblo, CO
Total Cost
Project Lifecycle