Pueblo Memorial Airport Runway 8R-26L and Taxiways Rehabilitation

Pueblo Memorial Airport (PUB) selected Dibble to lead design phase services for the Runway 8R-26L and Taxiways Rehabilitation project. PUB is a public airport located outside of Pueblo, CO offering general aviation and commercial air service. As one of Colorado’s 14 commercial airports, it supports over 170,000 aircraft operations annually with more than 100 based aircraft. PUB has three runways: Runway 8R-26L as its primary 10,498-foot runway; Runway 8L-26R as its 4,690-foot training runway; and Runway 17-35 as its crosswind 8,310-foot runway.

The grooved asphalt on Runway 8R-26L is in dire need of rehabilitation, with a pavement condition index (PCI) of 64 as of July 2020 and a projected PCI of 57 by 2023. The Runway 8R-26L project involves a mill and overlay of the 150-foot-wide runway pavement area and taxiway connectors pavement up to the holding position pavement markings, with an estimated 3-inch mill and overlay area of approximately 183,791 square yards. The project also includes new runway lighting and signage, new runway pavement markings, and asphalt grooving after new pavement placement.

The Taxiway A2 removal project includes complete asphalt pavement, lighting, and signage removal between the runway intersection and Taxiway A, with regrading of the Taxiway A2 area. The removal of Taxiway A2 asphalt is about 7,420 square yards.

To meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grading and drainage criteria, this project involves the regrading of runway infield areas, new drainage infrastructure, and pavement markings. The FAA Airport Improvement Program federal entitlement and Passenger Facility Charge Program funding for 2022 will fund the design phase for the Runway 8R-26L rehabilitation, augmented by 2022 Colorado Department of Transportation and local matching funds.

Existing pavement on Runway 8R-26L


City of Pueblo

Pueblo County, CO


Project Lifecycle