Willow Creek Road Realignment

Paving the way for future developments for Prescott.

As part of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Yavapai County, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), and the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO), Willow Creek Road is a new 1.7-mile Prescott rural collector roadway with a new alignment that connects to a new roundabout constructed by ADOT north of the Prescott Airport. The roadway includes two cattle pass culverts and 7,500 linear feet of new 12-inch waterline, roadway grading, drainage and waterline installation, paving, and striping. Water improvements also included new fire hydrants located along the roadway, air release/vacuum valves, and water main stubs for future development.

Retaining wall
New pavement during construction
New drainage culvert
New pavement after construction


City of Prescott

Prescott, AZ


Construction Cost

Project Lifecycle